
Why the European Greens want the UK 'in'

Für die britischen Grünen hat Ska aufgeschrieben, warum es wichtig ist, dass das Vereinigte Königreich in der EU bleibt. Die Broschüre gibt es online als pdf (auf Englisch). Skas Beitrag findet ihr darin auf Seite 7 oder direkt hier bei uns.

Why European Greens want the UK ‘in’

by Ska Keller, MEP

The UK has a lot to give to Europe – its history of immigration, even though that seems forgotten by the current government, parliamentary democracy and all its traditions, but also many more recent things. When I’m in the UK I always admire the amount of grassroots initiatives and local activism and the spirit of creativity that is almost tangible. Be it local currencies, community gardens, support for refugees, Brits always seem to take the initiative. That is something we desperately need elsewhere in Europe as well.

But the UK also benefits from the European Union. The environmental laws, for example, or any hope for financial regulation - that will have to come via Brussels. The UK has an important voice in the world – but it has gained a lot of importance by being part of a bigger club and in close contact with other EU countries.

Even more – the European Greens would be at loss without the Green Party of England and Wales (assuming Scotland stays in). GPEW is the oldest Green party on the continent. It has the most experience, a formidable surge, brilliant campaigns (and TV spots) and some of our best MEPs! Where we would be without the brains and energy of Jean, Molly and Keith I don’t even want to think about.
European politics are not per se better than national politics. But only together can we answer the challenges that are global, not local, such as climate change or receiving refugees. We need to make the EU a better union. But to do so, we need you in. We need to gather our forces and make the Green surge throughout Europe. Don’t leave us alone!


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